Price for Nissan Civilian

Charts data
Average price September
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** Graph's data with null or zero value are due to there isn't enough data available to get a reliable value
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₦ 295,000
₦ 310,000
₦ 375,000
₦ 406,250
₦ 417,500
₦ 432,222
₦ 450,000
₦ 454,211
₦ 462,222
₦ 483,750
₦ 488,519
₦ 492,500
₦ 495,000
₦ 500,000
₦ 500,000
₦ 504,000
₦ 510,000
₦ 518,125
₦ 550,000
₦ 589,444
₦ 591,136
₦ 615,455
₦ 619,706
₦ 680,439
₦ 696,071
₦ 700,000
₦ 970,833
₦ 1,725,000
₦ 1,768,750
₦ 2,677,500
₦ 2,698,611
₦ 5,625,000
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